
Faculty Of Health, Social Care And Education

The unit includes business applications relevant to the fashion industry including gaining a competitive advantage; project management; market research; marketing and branding; the business planning process and creating a business plan. Some jobs, such as retail management, are open to graduates from any degree discipline. This is because fashion degrees are very industry-specific and aren’t as transferable to a range of careers as degrees such as history, business and English are. Critiques will involve you and your peers discussing and giving feedback on each other’s work. This will prepare you for life in the fashion industry where you’ll need to listen to – and not be upset by – constructive criticism. Working in partnership is fundamental to everything that we do in the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education; we could not achieve the things we do if we worked in isolation. Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Technology Msc We use cookies on our website to give you the m

Fashion And Fashion Business

Take off on an exciting international career by studying our Aviation and Airport Management course. Gain in-depth knowledge of how the aviation industry functions, with visits to national and international airports as well as a year-long placement to boost your experience. In the final year, students will critically examine marketing leadership and global developments in fashion marketing through theoretical concepts and models. Investigations into new markets and evolving social and environmental trends will equip students with the skills needed to react to a dynamic sector. Innovation & Marketing Management Msc In our lecture, we talk about theories that could be beneficial to our artistic perspective, but we also use this time to talk about anything that involves group assignments and projects. My week starts by attending to my studio space, which it is a corner made up of three big whiteboards, a locker to secure my belongings and a table to work on. Having this area to w